Prevention Programming in Connecticut Schools Survey
The survey results highlight the areas of prevention programming that school districts have provided within the past five years, whether districts have prevention teams and work with community partners, and what specific prevention programs districts are using. Results are presented for statewide data as well as grouped by District Reference Groups (DRGs). DRGs are a classification used by the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) in which districts that have public school students with a similar average socioeconomic status (SES) and need are grouped together (CSDE, 2006).
The results are being made publicly available through the Center for use by school districts, the Regional Behavioral Health Action Organizations (RBHAOs) and other Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS) Resource Links members, and community partners. Public dissemination of the results provides opportunities for districts to share knowledge and showcase best practices and lessons learned.
The data below represents survey responses from districts in District Reference Groups A-C (n=10). DRGs are a classification used by the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) in which districts that have public school students with a similar average socioeconomic status (SES) and need are grouped together (CSDE, 2006).
The data displays responses to the following four questions:
- Within the past 5 years, has your district provided prevention programming for students in the following areas? (Mental Health, Social Emotional Learning, Substance Use Prevention, Suicide Prevention; check all that apply)
- Describe the prevention programs your district has implemented.
- Do you have district-wide or school-based prevention teams?
- Do you work with any community partners to implement prevention programming?

Data Tables
District Reference Groups A-C
Community Partners - District Reference Groups A-C
Yes | 100 |
No | 0 |
- The Center for Children with Special Needs
- The Child Health and Development Institite of Connecticut (CHDI)
- Connecticut Behavioral Health (CBH)
- Youth Services Bureaus
Prevention Teams - District Reference Groups A-C
Yes | 100 |
No | 0 |
Prevention Program Areas - District Reference Groups A-C
Area of Prevention Programming | Percent of Districts Providing |
Mental Health | 80 |
Social Emotional Learning | 90 |
Substance Use Prevention | 80 |
Suicide Prevention | 80 |
Programs and Approaches - District Reference Groups A-C
Name of Prevention Program | Percent of Districts Implementing |
Signs of Suicide | 40 |
General Health Curriculum | 30 |
Gizmo | 30 |
QPR Institute | 30 |
Choose Love | 20 |
Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools (CBITS) | 20 |
RULER | 20 |
Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) | 10 |
Collaborative and Proactive Solutions | 10 |
DARE | 10 |
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy | 10 |
Jordan Porco Foundation Check In program | 10 |
Listening Circles | 10 |
Management in the Active Classroom | 10 |
MindUp | 10 |
Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS) | 10 |
Sandy Hook Promise | 10 |
School Counselors and Prevention Staff | 10 |
Second Step | 10 |
Social Thinking | 10 |
Teen Talk: Kids in Crisis Counselors | 10 |
Trauma Informed Instruction | 10 |
Vaping Prevention | 10 |
Wingman | 10 |
Full List of Prevention Programs and Approaches
Full List of Participating Districts
- Bethel
- Bozrah
- Bridgeport
- Canterbury
- Columbia
- Diocese of Bridgeport
- Ezra Academy
- Farmington
- Guilford
- Hamden
- Hartford
- Hebron
- Highville Charter School
- Interdistrict School for Arts and Comm
- New Beginnings Inc Family Academy District
- New Hartford
- New Haven
- New London
- Newtown
- Oak Hill School
- Oxford
- Plainfield
- Plainville
- Regional School District 05
- Suffield
- Thomaston
- West Hartford
- Willington
- Windham
- Windsor Locks