Prevention Library Resources: Introducing the Prevention, Education and Advocacy Collection
The SERC Library, which dates from SERC’s inception in 1969, will serve as a hub of information for the School-Based Center for Prevention, Education and Advocacy to disseminate to schools and their communities.
The Prevention, Education and Advocacy Collection in the SERC Library supports PK-12 educators in providing education and support in the classroom around substance use prevention and mental health for students. Alongside programs and curricula, the library also houses children and teen materials that discusses issues of substance use and mental health, prioritizing titles written by licensed social workers, psychologists and by youth themselves.
We also offer interactive materials (games and toys) to introduce users to topics in a different manner, alongside instructional materials that allow for a more introductory approach to substance use prevention and mental health. For example, rather than a comprehensive curriculum, the library offers a variety of resources, materials and activities which could be easily integrated by a teacher or youth provider. Spanish-language material for youth and parents and caregivers is also offered. Providing a collection that is flexible and responsive to an educator and school’s changing needs is an essential goal for the library in the selection and acquisition process.